Proving it’s possible to rethink education and transform the lives of children in rural Africa, Nakayale Academy for Orphans and Marginalised Children is substantially improving the prosperity of its community.

A school nestled in the lush vegetation of rural Namibia, Nakayale Academy for Orphans and Marginalised Children offers free tuition and boarding to children who have been seriously neglected, without access to education, healthcare, clean water and proper nutrition. Through a range of support, these children gain valuable exposure to the world beyond their village.

Today, more than 110 students benefit from a learner-centred approach to their education, which includes a fundamental bridging program to learn basic English reading skills within the first six weeks of enrolment.

In response to the COVID-19 crisis and the move to increased online learning during a period of social dislocation, LiteracyPlanet teamed up with Nakayale Academy for Orphans and Marginalised Children by providing free licence subscriptions to support the Academy’s students with their online literacy learning.

Students have been enjoying their learning experience with LiteracyPlanet, advancing through their missions and improving their literacy skills across all literacy strands. They are getting plenty of rewards along the way too!

And as the school gains access to a range of elearning resources, it is in a position to share its experience and learnings with teachers and other schools across the region, amplifying the positive effect of this approach.


“This educational support creates a future for the children of the school, their families and their wider communities. Through this, Nakayale Academy for Orphans and Marginalised Children is developing a credible, internationally recognised model for education for marginalised children in rural Africa.”
– Kudzanai Chagwambare, Deputy School Director

Organisations such as this are breaking a cycle. This is where a destiny of deprivation and untapped potential is being transformed into one of hope and possibility.

LiteracyPlanet is proud to play a small part in bringing our world together through education and inspiring a lifetime of learning in this generation of young Namibians who are striving to be the best world citizens they can.

For a dose of hope and to learn more about this incredible community, visit