Maverley Primary and Junior School benefits from investment from various external agencies and provides students with access to multimedia devices, laptops, and tablets for learning. Although these resources are limited, all the teachers try to incorporate the use of the school’s available technologies and digital resources into their classroom teaching.

Ms Taffe provides her Year 6 students with access to the devices in her class on a rotation system so they all have the chance to use LiteracyPlanet at school, as most of them do not have access to the internet at home. She has observed how much LiteracyPlanet captivates students’ attention and that they are excited to use it.

Ms Taffe often overhears students discussing their achievements and successes with each other while using the programme. It has helped one student in particular, who doesn’t talk much, to be more con dent and share what she is doing with the classmates sitting around her.

As a teacher, Ms Taffe particularly appreciates the depth of LiteracyPlanet’s content and being able to customise exercises. “I especially like being able to input our own spelling lists, so students can interact more with these words to build familiarity, and the vocabulary lists that are available for all grade levels,” she says.

Students enjoy the gamifed aspects of the programme, in particular being able to earn points and bonus rewards for doing well, the animations, and having a personal account with their own dashboard and login.

Because LiteracyPlanet is considered by the students to be an enjoyable activity, Ms Taffe often uses it as a segue to transition them more effectively from outdoor play to focused learning time. “We often use it after the lunch break, as this relaxes and gently eases the students back into the teaching schedule.”

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