The staff at St. Mary’s Catholic School have been looking for ways to incorporate technology in the classroom and pursue learning opportunities that they’re unable to achieve in the format of physical books. The school participated in Word Mania USA, a fun, word-building competition run by LiteracyPlanet and after noticing incredible engagement levels decided to implement the full program in class.

Students at St. Mary’s Catholic School have found LiteracyPlanet’s gamified style highly engaging. After completing 837 exercises in February, engagement in March spiked to 3,062 as students familiarized themselves with the program and started to interact with it in their own time.

In March, students at St. Mary’s Catholic School recorded an incredible 61.16% improvement in their average LiteracyPlanet exercise score, which is determined by how many questions in the exercise they have answered correctly. This represents a significant improvement in their English literacy ability in just one month!

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