Teachers have welcomed the opportunity to incorporate a new automated digital resource into their literacy teaching, with online literacy program LiteracyPlanet adding a new student-guided mode.

The new mode features LiteracyPlanet’s comprehensive literacy content in an automated “quest” style adventure for students. Teachers select their students’ ability or school Year Level and curriculum-aligned exercises are mapped out accordingly.

Teachers trialing the new mode said it delivered what they had been looking for: an effective digital resource to improve literacy skills that requires minimal administration and is fun and engaging for students. According to Queensland Year 5 teacher Glenn Bruce, the new mode is a positive development for teachers and students: “The new student guided mode is exciting. It makes sense that students should be encouraged to progress at their own pace and as quickly as they choose. They should also be guided in this regardless of their ability. The new mode provides this opportunity. My students really enjoy it, and since they started using it their progress scores have improved.”

The new mode offers teachers more flexibility with the program and can be used in conjunction with existing diagnostic, reporting, tracking and assignment tools when teachers want to guide and manage their students learning.

“We spend considerable time consulting with teachers, and know they want a trusted resource that is easy to implement, suitable for all their students, and keeps students engaged,” said LiteracyPlanet CEO Adam McArthur.

“Self-directed and automated learning resources like this are increasingly popular for the benefits they deliver. With the new mode, students do not need to be assigned tasks and teachers have more time to work with students who need individual attention. We have seen a 42% increase in usage with the new mode, with students completing more tasks, and it now accounts for 50% of all usage.”