
How LiteracyPlanet Works

LiteracyPlanet is a research and evidence-aligned literacy program that has followed the science of reading guidelines since 2009. Our platform combines great storytelling with the psychology of gameplay to create a learning experience that educators and students love.

Creating personalised learning pathways

With LiteracyPlanet, educators have the tools to provide a unique learning experience that scaffolds the development of literacy skills of every student, no matter their age or ability.

Scaffolding Literacy

The Literacy Continuum scaffolds skill development in a sequential manner – from emergent (i.e. decoding, spelling) to proficient (i.e. critical thinking). Use this continuum to build upon each learner’s prior knowledge or take confidence in auto-assigned tasks provided in their learning sequence. Either way, the result is continued literacy growth and development.

Targeted Intervention

With LiteracyPlanet’s curriculum guides, quickly and easily determine the skills that students need to build on at all stages of their literacy development. Our curriculum guides also identify the prerequisite and requisite skills that will fill gaps in understanding and prepare students to complete classroom tasks or practice.

Target their individual needs

Educators love LiteracyPlanet for its differentiation features. Use LiteracyPlanet to tailor your instruction to the needs of each student.

  • Easily schedule tasks for completion in and out of the classroom.
  • Track progress and proficiency for assigned and non-assigned work.
  • Make targeted, informed decisions using live data and easy-to-read reports.

We’re about making it fun

The driving force behind LiteracyPlanet is motivating students to discover the joy of learning through the power of great storytelling and gamified learning experiences.

Immersive storytelling

Just as the world’s most popular films and games are driven by compelling narratives, LiteracyPlanet’s Storyverse immerses readers in a captivating world of fun, fantasy and wonder. This is where learning becomes meaningful and memorable, inspiring children to connect with their own writing in imaginative and creative ways.

Gamification for learning

LiteracyPlanet uses the psychology of game play to encourage, motivate and reward children as they move from one curriculum outcome to the next. It is an enabler, building confidence and determination within a safe and nurturing environment.

Meaningful data to target literacy growth

No more boring data. Inform your teaching with detailed and easy-to-read performance reports. You’ll be armed with the information you need to target the needs of your students.

The LiteracyPlanet Reporting Dashboard identifies student knowledge and proficiency in each strand and opportunities for intervention or extension work. This is reporting that is timely, meaningful, interpretable and actionable.

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