
LiteracyPlanet For Schools

Schools the world over use LiteracyPlanet to improve literacy outcomes.

The reason it’s suitable for schools around the globe? Our content is some of the most comprehensive and engaging you’ll find.

  • Suitable for students from Prep to Year 10.
  • Aligned to dozens of curriculums.
  • Comprehensive coverage of all key literacy strands.
  • Highly engaging and gamified.

Our point of difference: Gamification.

Our education specialists and product team work together every day to ensure LiteracyPlanet continues to be the place for students to learn English literacy and have a whole heap of fun at the same time.

The key to the efficacy of our program is the personalised journey each student takes, responding to their skills and proficiency, delivered in a fun, gamified way. When students receive immediate feedback, rewards for their efforts and engage in the narrative, learning simply comes naturally.

LiteracyPlanet for teachers

Scaffolding students’ knowledge and skills from emergent to proficient, this program is successfully implemented in both primary and secondary classrooms. 

Teach key literacy strands including phonics, sight words, spelling, reading comprehension, and grammar with the backing of content designed by our in-house education specialists and a world of fun and games.

Plus, teachers benefit from time-saving processes and reliable and actionable insights.

Happy students, even happier teachers.

Our purposely-designed teacher tools include:

  • Engaging lessons that save time through scheduling
  • Curriculum search tool
  • Literacy continuum framework
  • Reading levels support
  • Teacher-assigned activities for differentiation
  • Meaningful performance data
  • Custom Word List
  • Printable personalised student certificates
  • Printable activities
  • Word Mania access

This is what teachers have to say

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