Exciting news! LiteracyPlanet has just earned the Digital Promise Certification.

Digital Promise is a pioneering nonprofit organization at the forefront of educational innovation in the United States. It’s a shining example in education technology, committed to closing the digital gap and enhancing the quality of learning experiences.

Being awarded with this certification means that you can absolutely trust our Learning Principles are grounded in solid science and are proven to work. This is our assurance to our customers that we continue to innovate our engaging and fun platform with this certified approach to learning.

LiteracyPlanet’s attainment of the Digital Promise Product Certification is a testament to our unwavering commitment to providing educators and learners with the very best in literacy education. This certification serves as a seal of quality, signifying that our platform meets rigorous standards of educational excellence and innovation.

What Are the User Benefits?

1. Confidence in Quality: When you use LiteracyPlanet, you can be confident that you’re using a product that has undergone rigorous evaluation and meets the highest standards in educational technology.

2. Enhanced Learning Outcomes: The certification underscores our commitment to delivering effective literacy education. With LiteracyPlanet, you have a trusted tool to empower learners and drive improved literacy outcomes.

3. Cutting-Edge Innovation: We’re committed to staying at the forefront of educational innovation. As a certified product, you can expect continuous updates and enhancements to provide the best possible learning experience.

4. Strengthened Trust: Trust is at the core of our relationship with customers. The Digital Promise Product Certification reinforces that trust, ensuring that our platform aligns with the best practices in education.

Join Us on Our Journey

At LiteracyPlanet, we believe that every learner deserves a strong foundation in literacy. Our Digital Promise Product Certification is not just a recognition; it’s a commitment to learners and educators alike. Thank you for being a part of our mission!

You’re not a customer yet but curious to know more? Try out LiteracyPlanet for free (no strings attached) and experience the difference our certified approach can make in your classroom or for your homeschooled kids.