The magazine for intrepid readers

LiteracyPlanet’s Intrepizine is designed to foster students’ love of reading and develop their knowledge about themselves and the world around them. New articles are added every week, so check back regularly!

Something for everyone

Imagine within one resource being able to give every one of your students an article to read that they’re actually interested in! Intrepizine is chock full of high-interest articles covering diverse topics from Time Travel and Toys to Calligraphy, Bees and Minecraft. It’s impossible not to learn something new every time you log in.

Incorporate Intrepizine into lessons

  • Introduce your students to the world of knowledge and interest in Intrepizine.
  • Use a lesson to instruct students on article writing and analysis.
  • Allow students to spend time reading and analysing Intrepizine articles in class, or for homework, then encourage them to write their own!
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