Educator Wall of Fame 2023 Judging Criteria

Nominations will be judged against the following criteria. Those deemed by the judging panel to best meet these criteria will be awarded winners.

Primary Judging Criteria:

  • Nominee was a practicing educator in primary or secondary education during the qualifying period.
  • Nominee demonstrates excellence in their field.
  • Nominee has shown significant contribution to the education community.


Individual Category Criteria


The outstanding teachers of 2023 who have motivated students and sought the best ways to deliver fun, engaging and inspirational lessons either in the classroom or online. These teachers are there for their students no matter what.

  • A teacher with a dedicated class
  • Motivates students
  • Innovatively delivers engaging lessons
  • Offers support for students in other ways
  • Give a minimum of one example from the past year
  • Upload images and/or quotes to support your nomination



Dedicated to the behind-the-scenes genius who helps orchestrate the show—whatever that may be! This award is for the most creative educator, whether they’re a curriculum leader, a teacher’s aide or band master.

  • Ensures the class, activity or school runs effectively in a noteworthy way
  • Shows out-of-the-box thinking when it comes to getting the job done
  • This person can be any staff member at the school
  • Give a minimum of one example from the past year
  • Upload images and/or quotes to support your nomination



The quiet achiever who always works with passion, care and empathy. Never one for attention, this person is the one who genuinely deserves recognition for their tireless and appreciated efforts.

  • A quiet achiever who consistently goes above and beyond without recognition
  • Works to make the school a better place
  • Demonstrates the highest degree of passion and care
  • This person can be any staff member at the school
  • Give a minimum of one example from the past year
  • Upload images and/or quotes to support your nomination



Those school principals, deputies, assistant principals and other senior leaders who have gone above and beyond. They have led the school by example, implementing measures to ensure the continuity of and excellence in education.

  • Open to senior leaders including Principals, Deputies, and Faculty Heads
  • Demonstrates leadership by example and innovation
  • Has implemented measures to propel the school forward
  • Give a minimum of one example from the past year
  • Upload images and/or quotes to support your nomination


Other Qualification Information

  • The qualifying period is from November 2022 to October 2023.
  • Nominees may be from any school worldwide, regardless of whether they are a LiteracyPlanet customer. Customer status will not be considered in the deliberation of the winners.
  • Nominations must be received between 9 October 2023 and 5 November 2023, inclusive.


Judging Process

LiteracyPlanet will appoint three judges. Judges cannot nominate or apply to be part of the awards in any category. The judges’ decision is final.

Judging will take place in the week commencing 6 November 2023 and winners will be advised in that same week. All 2023 Educator Wall of Fame winners will be announced on the LiteracyPlanet website by the end of November 2023 and in subsequent email and social media communications.



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