If you’ve ever been lucky enough to encounter Samantha Augustin, one of the stars of LiteracyPlanet’s Customer Care team, you’ll have remembered it. Sam is likely the bubbliest, most professional, and caring person you could meet. And we get to work with her. Every. Single. Day!
Sam is known as “Positive Prudence” to her family and friends (she may regret sharing that nugget in this interview!) and fully understands the positive role teachers can play in their students’ lives.
Sam fondly regales us with the story of her English teacher Mrs Loader, who loved 50’s fashion, “Mrs Loader would always dress in the most amazing 50’s inspired outfits. She was so vibrant, I loved waiting to see what she would be wearing next, and to hear the inevitable story of each outfit.”
But it was Mrs Loader’s approach to teaching that had a lasting impact on Sam.
She was so passionate about everything she did. She had the whole classroom gripped when she read to us using voices and sound effects. It really made a difference. Mrs Loader always made sure she was attentive to each individual student, we felt she really cared about our growth and development. I did very well in my English exam, thanks to Mrs Loader and still treasure her to this day.
Undoubtedly in a very fitting role, Sam exemplifies the lessons learned from Mrs Loader, providing personal care and attention in every customer encounter. Sam’s favourite part of her job is “Interacting with people from all over the world and making a positive difference to their day.” That’s an impressive highlight.
Sam is proud to be working for “an awesome online literacy programme designed to assist with progression in learning,” and she hastily adds, “but we make it as fun and interactive as possible!”
Even truer to the ways of Mrs Loader, Sam shares with us the ideal accessory her LP avatar would have if she could,
the fanciest bag I can afford, to carry all of my gems!
And just when you think you couldn’t like this woman any more, in response to our question asking what she’d do if she wasn’t killing it here at LP, she answers, “I’d go around the world and build animal sanctuaries. I’d then rescue as many animals as possible. Particularly in countries where high volumes of dogs and cats are left to roam the streets.” Awww!
A recently new fish-mumma—“I love tropical fish and two of my fish recently gave birth, so I have been really busy raising the fry who are now almost fully grown,”—Sam also loves to spend her downtime walking her dog and cherishes time with her family and friends.
Simply, we’d be lost without our Sam, a.k.a. Positive Prudence! It’s the sort of sunshine that’s the difference between a good and a great day, and at LP, we just count ourselves lucky we get to bask in a few rays of it.