remote learning

Remote learning has become a new norm during the pandemic. As students become accustomed to learning online, it is helpful to have key principles in place for remote learning.

Consider the following tips for a successful remote learning experience:

Be flexible
Let students control their pace of learning. Assign tasks and due dates but let them decide when they want to tackle certain activities. This empowers them to take control of their learning and gives them a confidence boost when work is completed. It also gives them the opportunity to take on extra work if needed or spend some additional time on other areas of work assigned.

Draft up a plan
Although flexibility is key, having a rough plan helps in organising the workflows for each day. Have a chat with other educators to see how they are planning remote learning. Think about how remote learning should look like for your school or class. Plan out what content you will use and how you will communicate with students throughout the experience.

Focus on interactive collaboration

It is a no-brainer that students learn when working collaboratively together and this doesn’t need to change because of remote learning. You can still encourage collaboration by setting up group work, using live video chats and making use of games. To increase interactivity, you can set up polls or short surveys to gauge how your students are finding the work and learning from home.