Regent International School is a well-established British curriculum school in Dubai. Students here (and teachers!) represent numerous regions and countries around the world and it’s this diversity that sets the tone for embracing new and leading education strategies. The school’s purpose is to provide an enriched curriculum, tailoring lessons to the individual needs of the students.

While the pandemic was a hindrance to some aspects of the learning experience, the school has proudly continued to remain open, safe and in as much of a routine as possible for both students and their families.


Digital learning helps students become lifelong learners

Online learning is a familiar experience for students at Regent International School. While face-to-face teaching is the preferred method, the school has adopted several apps and resources to deliver learning however students require.

From Year 2 upwards, students now bring personal devices (such as tablets) to class so they can access digital resources like LiteracyPlanet. Since implementing LiteracyPlanet in the school, there has been a noticeable closing of the learning gap left behind by the pandemic. It has delivered a personalised approach, providing intervention where required. Students throughout the school, from Foundation Stage to Year 6, are currently using LiteracyPlanet.

Regent International School has a Learning Support Practitioner within the teaching team. This teacher often works with small groups for intervention work, with LiteracyPlanet providing useful ideas and activities for purpose.

Is your school successfully using LiteracyPlanet? We’d love to hear your story! Send us a quick message here, and we’ll be in touch.

Linking to the national curriculum is a winner for these teachers

LiteracyPlanet was originally introduced to Regent International School by a group of teachers who had used the programme in their previous respective schools in the UK. It replaced a less user-friendly application. Immediately, teachers noticed an improvement in curriculum-aligned content, ease of search for and setting of activities, and how well the platform complemented their literacy objectives. 

As the end users of the LiteracyPlanet product, students’ reactions were of utmost importance. Confidence was boosted as missed lessons were quickly reversed, and they enjoyed the ease of navigating the programme. The standout for students was the reward system that is inbuilt into the experience. It continues to encourage them to log back in, reattempt missed concepts and learn more every day by persisting with activities.

A vital part of this programme is improving literacy learning outcomes. LiteracyPlanet does this for the students of Regent International School as they are able to practice objectives taught in class at their own pace. Students love the games aspect, which generates a desire to spend longer learning and improving their skills and results. Spelling and vocabulary are a targeted literacy aspect in the programme and these skills have markedly improved since using LiteracyPlanet. Grammar and comprehension learning outcomes have also been improved in the process of using the platform.


Creating independent learners

The teachers at Regent International School enjoy the ease of navigating the teacher dashboard and setting work for their students. Progress monitoring is important and LiteracyPlanet provides them with the ability to do this, as well as guiding teachers through intervention strategies where required. 

It’s also easy to use for students. Unlocking extra parts of the programme generates a sense of excitement and wonder, and at times, friendly competition. Put simply, they want to use LiteracyPlanet all day! And it is helping to create the type of independent lifelong learner Regent International School students graduate as.


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